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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

4 Easy Steps: Installing Google Big Query on Windows XP

Hello There!!
I am a newbie in this programming world and I faced many problems when I wanted to install Google bigquery (Big Query). As there are no guides that teach you how to do it right from the start. There are readme files provided, but for beginners, its really difficult to find a tutorial which teaches how to install bigquery from scratch. This tutorial basically deals with how to run bq shell on windows XP.
    You are required to have a Google bigQuery account.
    You are required to have a Google storage account.
Step 1:
Download and Install:
a)      Go to
Download the latest version. I used (version 2.7)
Double click and install. This is what I like about Windows system. Its such a relief to double click than type so many lines of codes. (For Linux lovers: I have a copy of Ubuntu up and running )
Note that, by default, it gets installed in C:\Python27
If you have installed in some other location, not a problem at all. But, note down the directory name.
b)      Now, you got to install the setup tools:
And download the setup tools corresponding to your version of python. In my case its 2.7.1. Cool
Step 2:
Now comes the type type type till you succeed part. My brother and my best friend hate me for this. I hate it when it comes to command line. When they have such a great tool, why not make it a little user friendly? We are not living in type type type age for God’s sake!!!
Alrightie rightie, open the command prompt. (Start>Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt
Or alternatively Start>Run>cmd)
You should see the following window or similar.

Now you need to go to the location of scripts of Python. To do so, simply type cd C:\Python27\Scripts
(Note: if you have installed in some other location, make sure you change the path accordingly. If you have different version of Python, make sure you type the path correctly)
Step 3:
Scratch your head,  Now nose. It doesn’t help in installation, but at present both are itching.
Type the following commands:
easy_install bigquery-shell
Word of caution here: it will grab some files and installs. At the end if you see a message that says, skipped dependencies, then you also need to install the dependencies separately.
Nothing to worry, just type in the following one by one:

easy_install google-apputils 
easy_install python-gflags 
easy_install pyreadline 

Ok. Once again type:

easy_install bigquery-shell

Step 4:
Enter  bqshell at the same prompt.
If everything goes fine, you should see the following window,

Enter your username and hit enter. It will ask for password. Note that password field will not be displayed, carefully type the password.
You will see the following window:

Type in the test lines to check if its working:
.desc bigquery/samples/shakespeare
     SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [bigquery/samples/shakespeare];
Time to dance if you see the following window:

You have successfully run your very first bigQuery!!!
Please feel free to post your comments and installation experiences.